Frank Urioste on film editing


The editor who was John McTiernan‘s perfect collaborator for Die Hard because he was happy to “cut on movement” when any other film editor would deem you as a filmmaker who doesn’t know what he’s doing, sits down to divulge some information on the process of editing. What is the process on a day-to-day basis for an editor? What is important to maintain a rhythm of a scene? How does temp music help an editor when he cuts a scene? What is an editor’s responsibility? These questions, among others will be answered by this generally unknown editor who was behind some very interesting action films of the 90’s.

Jack Lemmon on acting (and David Mamet)

In a rare offering – Jack Lemmon – master thespian graces us with his knowledge about acting and David Mamet. For those interested in the other side of the camera, here’s your chance.

Steven Soderbergh and Neil LaBute on filmmaking


One of the most informative commentators is Steven Soderbergh, whose quote I have up on the right hand side of the main page about what he thinks about commentaries as a resource for any wannabe filmmakers. No stranger to bringing on guests to sit in with him as he discusses the films at hand, he is joined by another filmmaker – Neil LaBute – who acts as a sort of moderator as he asks Soderbergh various questions about the filmmaking process. The range of discussion goes anywhere from rehearsals to using sound. Listen to it all below.