James Mangold on filmmaking – Part III


Part III of the filmmaking series with James Mangold covers the following topics; teamwork, intimacy, specifics of actor-director relationship, actor’s courage, widescreen, “noir” look, what movies are.

Steven Soderbergh and Mark Romanek on filmmaking – Part I-III


In what I found to be one of the most illuminating discussions about the filmmaking process I’ve heard in a while, Soderbergh touches upon low budget filmmaking. Extensively covered points are about working with non-actors, shooting digital, and process of directing such a low budget film.

Frank Darabont on filmmaking – Part 3 & 4


The man who is known for spending multiple sessions actually recording his commentary tracks returns with more well prepared information on how he threw away all of his trademark film technique out for a much looser style seen in The Mist. Hear it all here.

Christopher McQuarrie on filmmaking


Christopher McQuarrie along with his composer Joe Kraemer sit down to discuss some of their thoughts on filmmaking and motivations on certain scenes. Stick through until the end to find out the lessons McQuarrie learned from making his directorial debut.

Steven Soderbergh and Neil LaBute on filmmaking


One of the most informative commentators is Steven Soderbergh, whose quote I have up on the right hand side of the main page about what he thinks about commentaries as a resource for any wannabe filmmakers. No stranger to bringing on guests to sit in with him as he discusses the films at hand, he is joined by another filmmaker – Neil LaBute – who acts as a sort of moderator as he asks Soderbergh various questions about the filmmaking process. The range of discussion goes anywhere from rehearsals to using sound. Listen to it all below.